CFNRAA raises funds for their students
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In September 2018, CFNR Alumni Association (CFNRAA) provided “Food Subsidy Allowance” to 65 student recipients.

This is a project of the CFNRAA to help the CFNR indigent students to finish their course. According to the UPLB Office of Student Affairs (OSA), CFNR has the highest incidence of students skipping meals due to insufficient budget. Some students experienced depression that eventually leads to dropping off with their studies.

In response to this alarming situation, CFNRAA come up with “Food Subsidy Allowance” project to help students who need financial assistance for proper food intake. They set criteria in selecting the recipients. The students should fall under the following criteria:
a. Annual family income of below Php 80,000.00 who belongs to the OSA classification of Full Discount with Stipend (FDS) student – 40%
b. Came from far flung provinces specifically in Visayas and Mindanao – 20%
c. Has good class standing –15%
d. Belongs to indigent people – 15%
e. Belongs to the upper class: graduating or senior classification – 10%

Announcements are posted in OSA office and CFNR Office of the College Secretary (OCS) to disseminate this project to the students. The application form is available in the OCS to those students who wanted to apply. Applications are verified by OSA based on the set criteria. The selected recipients will be interviewed by the Board of Trustees of CFNRAA.

Even before the project started, three CFNR alumni based in USA gave their financial assistance during the 108th Founding Anniversary and Alumni Homecoming to students who experienced delayed release of stipends or their stipends are not enough for their daily basic needs and school requirements.

With this project, CFNRAA aims to help more students to finish their studies and lessen the number of depressed and drop offs. That is why they encouraged their jubilarians and awardees to adopt one student by providing food subsidy allowance amounting to Php 5,000 per semester. The CFNR administration, composed of faculty and staff, also extends support to this endeavour.

Other projects of the alumni association are the construction of CFNRAA Forestry Guest House, thesis support, and the Scholarship Grant of Forest Foundation Philippines for undergraduate and graduate scholars.