UPLB Now: Alumni Newsletter
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What’s new in UPLB?

This is one the questions that spring to mind when we think about our alma mater. To inform the alumni of updates about UPLB, OAR has created UPLB Now, an online newsletter highlighting information that interest our alumni.

The newsletter aims to inform our alumni on the developments in the University; to feature the latest research programs of the University, and to commend alumni achievements, including articles and stories about or written by the alumni. We also hope to share our collection of photos that capture UPLB through the years and rekindle fond memories of student life.

UPLB Now will be disseminated through e-mail. It will be published quarterly online. To subscribe, please update your information at http://alum.uplb.edu.ph/update.

You can also contribute to the UPLB Now alumni newsletter by sending your article at [email protected] with the subject: Article for UPLB Now.