About UPLB Office of Alumni Relations


OAR will provide services that are mutually beneficial to the alumni and the University for UPLB to achieve its vision.


OAR as a dynamic unit of the Office of the Chancellor responsive to the needs of the alumni and as an effective and efficient support arm of the University to attain its purpose.


Promote collegial and collaborative participation of alumni in the affairs, programs, and projects of the University


As early as 1979, the UPLB Administration had considered establishing an office that shall serve as a link between the alumni and the university. Thus, in 1980 an Alumni Relations Officer was designated and instituted as a function of the then Public Information under the Office of the Chancellor. For 23 years, the alumni office had been under the Office of the Chancellor.

On January 30, 2003, the Board of Regents (BOR) at its 1167th meeting approved the reorganization of the Office of Public and Alumni Affairs with the creation of the Office of Public Relations under the Office of the Chancellor and the Office of Alumni Affairs (OAA) under the Office of Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs (OVCCA). OAA started its operation on May 1, 2003 at the Ground Floor of the OVCCA Building.

On January 26, 2007, OAA was renamed Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) following the standardization of nomenclature for all alumni offices of UP. On March 29, 2007, the BOR at its 1219th meeting approved the transfer of administrative supervision of the OAR from the OVCCA to the Office of the Chancellor.

On January 18, 2011, with the revival of the UPLB Alumni Center, OAR went back to its rightful home, together with the UPLB Alumni Association Inc.